#' Polynomial model with identifiable parameters #' #' Creates a polynomial model with identifiable coefficients #' #' @param A autoregressive coefficients #' @param B,F1 coefficients of the numerator and denominator respectively #' of the deterministic model between the input and output #' @param C,D coefficients of the numerator and denominator respectively #' of the stochastic model #' @param ioDelay the delay in the input-output channel #' @param Ts sampling interval #' @param noiseVar variance of the white noise source (Default=\code{1}) #' @param intNoise Logical variable indicating presence or absence of integrator #' in the noise channel (Default=\code{FALSE}) #' @param unit time unit (Default=\code{"seconds"}) #' #' @details #' Discrete-time polynomials are of the form #' \deqn{ #' A(q^{-1}) y[k] = \frac{B(q^{-1})}{F1(q^{-1})} u[k] + #' \frac{C(q^{-1})}{D(q^{-1})} e[k] #' } #' #' @examples #' # define output-error model #' mod_oe <- idpoly(B=c(0.6,-0.2),F1=c(1,-0.5),ioDelay = 2,Ts=0.1, #' noiseVar = 0.1) #' #' # define box-jenkins model with unit variance #' B <- c(0.6,-0.2) #' C <- c(1,-0.3) #' D <- c(1,1.5,0.7) #' F1 <- c(1,-0.5) #' mod_bj <- idpoly(1,B,C,D,F1,ioDelay=1) #' #' @export idpoly <- function(A=1,B=1,C=1,D=1,F1=1,ioDelay=0,Ts=1, noiseVar=1,intNoise = F,unit = c("seconds","minutes", "hours","days")[1]){ Bindex <- which.max(B!=0) ioDelay <- ifelse(Bindex-1==0,ioDelay,Bindex-1) B <- B[Bindex:length(B)] out <- list(A= A,B=B,C=C,D=D,F1=F1,ioDelay = ioDelay,Ts=Ts, noiseVar=noiseVar,unit=unit,intNoise = intNoise) out$type <- typecheck(out) class(out) <- "idpoly" return(out) } typecheck <- function(x){ y <- lapply(x[1:5],checkUnity) if(y$A){ out <- if(y$C && y$D) if(y$F1) "fir" else "oe" else "bj" } else{ if(y$D && y$F1){ if(x$intNoise){ out <- if(y$C) "ari" else "arima" } else{ out <- if(y$C) "ar" else "arma" } if(!y$B) out <- paste(out,"x",sep="") } else{ out <- "polynomial" } } out } checkUnity <- function(x){ out <- if(length(x)==1 && x==1) TRUE else FALSE } #' @export print.idpoly <- function(x,se=NULL,dig=3,...){ main <- paste("Discrete-time",toupper(x$type),"model:") if(x$type=="oe" || x$type=="bj"){ main <- paste(main,"y[k] = B(z)/F(z) u[k] +") if(x$type=="bj"){ polyExp <- if(!checkUnity(x$C)) "C(z)/D(z)" else "1/D(z)" if(x$intNoise==T) polyExp <- paste(polyExp,"1/(1-z^{-1})") main <- paste(main,polyExp,"e[k] \n\n") } } else{ main <- paste(main,"A(z)y[k] =") if(!checkUnity(x$B)) main <- paste(main,"B(z)u[k] +") if(checkUnity(x$C)){ Cexp <- if(!x$intNoise) "" else "1/(1-z^{-1})" }else{ Cexp <- "C(z)" if(x$intNoise) Cexp <- paste(Cexp,"/(1-z^{-1})",sep="") } main <- paste(main,Cexp,"e[k] \n\n") } cat(main) # Printing Standard error sequence j=1 print_se <- function(se){ if(!is.null(se)){ cat(" (+/- ",round(se[j],dig),") ",sep = "") j <<- j+1 } } if(length(x$A)>1){ cat("A(q^{-1}) = ") for(i in seq_along(x$A)){ if(i-1==0){ cat(round(x$A[i],dig)) } else{ if(x$A[i]>0) cat(" + ") else cat("- ") if(!(abs(x$A[i])==1)) cat(abs(round(x$A[i],dig))) print_se(se) cat("q^{-",i-1,"}",sep="") } cat("\t") } cat("\n") } cat("B(q^{-1}) = ") for(i in seq_along(x$B)){ if(i+x$ioDelay-1==0){ cat(round(x$B[i],dig)) } else{ if(!((x$ioDelay!=0) && (i==1))){ if(x$B[i]>0) cat(" + ") else cat("- ") } else{ if(x$B[i]<0) cat("-") } if(!(abs(x$B[i])==1)) cat(abs(round(x$B[i],dig))) print_se(se) cat("q^{-",i+x$ioDelay-1,"}",sep="") } cat("\t") } cat("\n") if(length(x$C)>1){ cat("C(q^{-1}) = ") for(i in seq_along(x$C)){ if(i-1==0){ cat(round(x$C[i],dig)) } else{ if(x$C[i]>0) cat(" + ") else cat("- ") if(!(abs(x$C[i])==1)) cat(abs(round(x$C[i],dig))) print_se(se) cat("q^{-",i-1,"}",sep="") } cat("\t") } cat("\n") } if(length(x$D)>1){ cat("D(q^{-1}) = ") for(i in seq_along(x$D)){ if(i-1==0){ cat(round(x$D[i],dig)) } else{ if(x$D[i]>0) cat(" + ") else cat("- ") if(!(abs(x$D[i])==1)) cat(abs(round(x$D[i],dig))) print_se(se) cat("q^{-",i-1,"}",sep="") } cat("\t") } cat("\n") } if(length(x$F1)>1){ cat("F(q^{-1}) = ") for(i in seq_along(x$F1)){ if(i-1==0){ cat(round(x$F1[i],dig)) } else{ if(x$F1[i]>0) cat(" + ") else cat("- ") if(!(abs(x$F1[i])==1)) cat(abs(round(x$F1[i],dig))) print_se(se) cat("q^{-",i-1,"}",sep="") } cat("\t") } } cat("\n") } params <- function(x){ c(x$A[-1],x$B,x$C[-1],x$D[-1],x$F1[-1]) }