#' Remove linear trends #' #' Removes the mean value or linear trends in each of the input and output matrices. #' #' @param data an object of class \code{idframe} #' @param type trend type - "constant" or "linear". (Default: \code{"linear"}) #' #' @return #' A list containing the following elements #' #' \tabular{ll}{ #' \code{fitted.values} \tab \code{idframe} object with detrended variables \cr #' \code{output.trend} \tab \code{list} containing trend fits for each output #' variable \cr #' \code{input.trend} \tab \code{list} containing trend fits for each input #' variable #' } #' #' @examples #' data(cstr) #' fit <- detrend(cstr) # remove linear trends #' Zdetrend <- predict(fit) # get the detrended data #' #' demean <- detrend(cstr,type="constant") # remove mean values #' Zcent <- predict(demean) # get the centered data #' #' @seealso \code{\link{predict.detrend}}, \code{\link[stats]{lm}} #' @export detrend <- function(data,type=c("constant","linear")[2]){ if(!(type %in% c("constant","linear"))){ stop("Error: Invalid trend type") } reg <- time(data$output[,1]) if(type=="linear"){ formula <- X ~ reg } else { formula <- X ~ 1 + offset(0*reg) } data_detrend <- data out <- data$output;output_trend <- list() for(i in 1:ncol(out)){ output_trend[[i]] <- lm(formula,data=data.frame(X=out[,i])) out[,i] <- fitted(output_trend[[i]]) } input <- data$input;input_trend <- list() for(i in 1:ncol(input)){ input_trend[[i]] <- lm(formula,data=data.frame(X=input[,i])) input[,i] <- fitted(input_trend[[i]]) } data_detrend$output <- data$output - out;data_detrend$input <- data$input - input est <- list(fitted.values=data_detrend,output.trend = output_trend, input.trend = input_trend) class(est) <- "detrend" return(est) } #' Predict method for trend fits on idframe objects #' #' Detrended \code{idframe} object based on linear trend fit #' #' @param object an object of class \code{idframe} #' @param newdata An optional idframe object in which to look for variables with #' which to predict. If ommited, the original detrended idframe object is used #' #' @return an \code{idframe} object #' #' @examples #' data(distill) #' train <- dataSlice(distill,end=60) # subset the first 60 indices #' test <- dataSlice(distill,start=61) # subset from index 61 till the end #' fit <- detrend(train) #' Ztrain <- predict(fit) #' Ztest <- predict(fit,test) #' #' @export predict.detrend <- function(object,newdata=NULL,...){ if(is.null(newdata)){ data <- fitted(object) } else{ data <- newdata out <- detrend.predict(object$output.trend,data$output) input <- detrend.predict(object$input.trend,data$input) data$output <- data$output - out data$input <- data$input - input } return(data) } detrend.predict <- function(object,data){ pred_list <- list() for(i in 1:ncol(data)){ pred_list[[i]] <- predict(object[[i]],newdata=data.frame(t = time(data[,i]))) } pred <- data.frame(matrix(unlist(pred_list),ncol=ncol(data),byrow=T)) colnames(pred) <- colnames(data) return(pred) }