// Function to initialise PWM of AVR // // Calling Sequence // u8AVRPWMSetups(uint8 timer, uint8 prescalar, uint8 waveform_mode, uint8 output_mode) // // Parameters // timer: timer to be used for PWM generation (0,1,2) // prescalar: prescalar to be used for generating PWM waveform (0-7) // waveform_mode: decides type of waveform generation // 0 -> Normal mode // 1 -> Phase correct mode // 2 -> CTC mode // 3 -> Fase PWM mode // output_mode: decides the compare output mode. (0-3) // behaviour of the output is different for different inputs // depending upon 'waveform_mode' chosen. // ***Refer datasheet for more description about above modes // // Description // This function initialises PWM of AVR with given parameters. 'timer' // decides which of the three (0,1,2) timers available to be used. The // 'prescalar' is needed for deciding PWM clock. Select appropriate prescalar // depending on MCU clock. Choose required pwmmode using 'waveform_generation' // and 'output_mode'. Please refer datasheet for more description of 'wafefom_mode' // and 'output mode'. // Examples // AVRPWMSetup(0,1,2,2) // // Authors // Siddhesh Wani // #include "AVRPeripheralPWM.h" uint8 u8AVRPWMSetups(uint8 timer, uint8 prescalar, uint8 waveform_mode, uint8 output_mode) { switch(timer) { case 0: TCCR0|= (prescalar & 0x07); //Select clock source //Select waveform generation mode TCCR0|= ((waveform_mode & 0x04) << 4); //Select compare output mode TCCR0 |= ((output_mode & 0x01) << 3); //WGM0 TCCR0 |= ((output_mode & 0x02) << 6); //WGM1 break; case 1: break; case 2: break; } return 0; }