/* Scilab2C FOSSEE IIT Bombay */ #include "linspace.h" void dlinspacea(double *low_limit,int _row,double *up_limit,double range_num,double *out) { int i,j,k; double temp; float step_iterate[_row]; /* for each row the spacing between two values is different.*/ for(i=0;i<_row;i++) { step_iterate[i] = (up_limit[i]-low_limit[i])/(range_num-1); } for(j=0;j < _row;j++) { out[j] = low_limit[j]; /* For every row first element is the first value of low_limit array*/ temp = low_limit[j]; for(k=1;k < (double)range_num;k++ ) { out[(_row*k)+j] = temp + step_iterate[j]; /* Output matrix positions for 3 X 5 matrix are [0 3 6 9 12;1 4 7 10 13;2 5 8 11 14] so (_row*k)+j) used*/ temp = out[(_row*k)+j]; if(k == (double)range_num-1 ) { out[(_row*k)+j] = (double)up_limit[j]; /* Last value of output is equal to first value of up_limit array*/ } } } }