function [String_Array,N_Strings] = File2StringArray(InFileName) // function [String_Array,N_Strings] = File2StringArray(InFileName) // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // #RNU_RES_B // Reads a text file and stores every line into a string array. // #RNU_RES_E // // Input data: // InFileName: path+filename of the input file. // // Output data: // String_Array: array of strings containing the lines of the input // text file. // N_Strings: number of strings stored in String_Array. // // Status: // 10-Nov-2007 -- Raffaele Nutricato: Author. // // Copyright 2007 Raffaele Nutricato. // Contact: // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------ // --- Check input arguments. --- // ------------------------------ SCI2CNInArgCheck(argn(2),1,1); // ----------------------- // --- Initialization. --- // ----------------------- N_Strings = 0; String_Array = ''; // --------------------------- // --- End Initialization. --- // --------------------------- // -------------------- // --- Open C file. --- // -------------------- fidfile = SCI2COpenFileRead(InFileName); // ------------------- // --- Read lines. --- // ------------------- tmpline = mgetl(fidfile,1); while (meof(fidfile) == 0) N_Strings = N_Strings + 1; String_Array(N_Strings) = tmpline; tmpline = mgetl(fidfile,1); end mclose(fidfile); endfunction