function AnnotationFnc = AST_CheckPrecSpecifier(FunctionName,FileInfo,SharedInfo); // function AnnotationFnc = AST_CheckPrecSpecifier(FunctionName,FileInfo,SharedInfo); // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // #RNU_RES_B // Searches for one of the following data annotation functions: // Funcall : int // Funcall : float // Funcall : double // Note: remember to execute this function before pushing the output // argument names into the stack. // #RNU_RES_E // // Input data: // //NUT: add description here // // Output data: // //NUT: add description here // // Status: // 13-Apr-2007 -- Raffaele Nutricato: Author. // // Copyright 2007 Raffaele Nutricato. // Contact: // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------ // --- Check input arguments. --- // ------------------------------ SCI2CNInArgCheck(argn(2),3,3); // ----------------------- // --- Initialization. --- // ----------------------- nxtscifunname = SharedInfo.NextSCIFunName; nxtscifunnumber = SharedInfo.NextSCIFunNumber; ReportFileName = FileInfo.Funct(nxtscifunnumber).ReportFileName; PrintStringInfo(' ',ReportFileName,'file','y'); // #RNU_RES_B PrintStringInfo(' Checking presence of precision specifier',ReportFileName,'file','y'); //NUT: da sistemare senza le global // #RNU_RES_E global SCI2CSTACK global StackPosition; global STACKDEDUG AnnotationFnc = 'default'; // --------------------------- // --- End Initialization. --- // --------------------------- Pop1 = AST_PopASTStack(); // Rhs : if (mtlb_strcmp(stripblanks(Pop1),'Rhs :')) Pop2 = AST_PopASTStack(); // #lhs : 1 if (mtlb_strcmp(stripblanks(Pop2),'#lhs : 1')) Pop3 = AST_PopASTStack(); // Funcall : double FunctionName = stripblanks(part(Pop3,12:length(Pop3))); for counterdataprec = 1:max(size(SharedInfo.Annotations.DataPrec)) if (mtlb_strcmp(FunctionName,SharedInfo.Annotations.DataPrec(counterdataprec))) AnnotationFnc = FunctionName; end end // --- Repush strings into the AST stack. --- AST_PushASTStack(Pop3); end // --- Repush strings into the AST stack. --- AST_PushASTStack(Pop2); end // --- Repush strings into the AST stack. --- AST_PushASTStack(Pop1); if mtlb_strcmp(AnnotationFnc,'default') // #RNU_RES_B PrintStringInfo('Function is not annotated',ReportFileName,'file','y'); PrintStringInfo('The ""'+SharedInfo.DefaultPrecision+'"" default precision will be used.',ReportFileName,'file','y'); // #RNU_RES_E else // #RNU_RES_B PrintStringInfo('Function is annotated with ""'+AnnotationFnc+'"" specifier',ReportFileName,'file','y'); // #RNU_RES_E end endfunction