function txt=%ifthenelse_string(I) //overloading function for "ifthenel" type tlist string function //this is a node of the AST //fields: // expression : "expression" type tlist (the if expression) // then : list of "equal" type tlist and list('EOL') (the // then instructions list) // elseifs : a list of tlists // else : list of "equal" type tlist and list('EOL') (the // else instructions list) txt=['If ' ' Expression:' ' '+string(I.expression) ' If Statements' ' '+objectlist2string(I.then)] for e=I.elseifs txt=[txt; ' Else If Expression' ' '+string(e.expression) ' Else If Statements' ' '+objectlist2string(e.then)] end txt=[txt; ' Else Statements' ' '+objectlist2string(I.else) 'EndIf'] endfunction