/* Copyright (C) 2017 - IIT Bombay - FOSSEE This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL. This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms are also available at http://www.cecill.info/licences/Licence_CeCILL_V2-en.txt Author: Siddhesh Wani Organization: FOSSEE, IIT Bombay Email: toolbox@scilab.in */ /*Fucntion to find schur decomposition of given square matrix */ #include "schur.h" #include "lapack.h" #include "stdlib.h" #include "string.h" #include /*flag --> 0: nothing --> 1: continuous --> 2: discrete */ lapack_logical selctg11( double* in1, double* in2); lapack_logical selctg12( double* in1, double* in2); double dschura(double* in1, int size, int flag, int nout, double* out1, \ double* out2) { char JOBVS = 'N'; char SORT = 'N'; int SDIM = 0; int LVDS = size; int LWORK = 3*size, INFO; double *WR, *WI, *VS, *WORK; int *BWORK; double ret = 0; double *buf; /*input is copied to buf, since lapack function direclty modifies the input variable*/ /*Used incase of flag > 0*/ LAPACK_D_SELECT2 selctg; if(flag == 1 || flag == 0) selctg = &selctg11; else if(flag == 2) selctg = &selctg12; if(nout >= 2) JOBVS = 'V'; if(flag > 0) SORT = 'S'; buf = (double*) malloc((double) size*size*sizeof(double)); WR = (double*) malloc((double) size*sizeof(double)); WI = (double*) malloc((double) size*sizeof(double)); VS = (double*) malloc((double) LVDS*size*sizeof(double)); WORK = (double*) malloc((double) LWORK*sizeof(double)); BWORK = (int*) malloc((double) size*sizeof(double)); memcpy(buf,in1,size*size*sizeof(double)); dgees_(&JOBVS,&SORT,selctg,&size,buf,&size,&SDIM,WR,WI,VS,&LVDS, \ WORK,&LWORK,BWORK,&INFO); /*if (INFO != 0) { out1 = NULL; return 0; } */ if(nout == 1) { /*Copy result in in1 to out1*/ memcpy(out1,buf,size*size*sizeof(double)); } else if(nout == 2) { if(flag == 0) { /*copy in1 to out2 and VS to out1*/ memcpy(out2,buf,size*size*sizeof(double)); memcpy(out1,VS,size*size*sizeof(double)); } else { /*copy VS to out1 and SDIM to out2*/ memcpy(out1,VS,size*size*sizeof(double)); ret = SDIM; } } else { /*copy VS to out1, SDIM to out2, in1 to out3*/ memcpy(out1,VS,size*size*sizeof(double)); memcpy(out2,buf,size*size*sizeof(double)); ret = SDIM; } free(buf); free(WI); free(WR); free(VS); free(WORK); free(BWORK); return ret; } lapack_logical selctg11(double* in1, double* in2) { if(*in1 <= 0) return 1; else return 0; } lapack_logical selctg12(double* in1, double* in2) { if(sqrt(*in1**in1+*in2**in2) < 1) return 1; else return 0; }