function [FlagFound,SCIFileName] = SCI2CFindFile(PathList,FileName) // function [FlagFound,SCIFileName] = SCI2CFindFile(PathList,FileName) // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // //NUT: add description here // // Input data: // //NUT: add description here // // Output data: // //NUT: add description here // // Status: // 11-Jul-2007 -- Nutricato Raffaele: Author. // // Copyright 2007 Raffaele Nutricato. // Contact: // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------ // --- Check input arguments. --- // ------------------------------ SCI2CNInArgCheck(argn(2),2,2); <<<<<<< HEAD ======= >>>>>>> 9e5793a7b05b23e6044a6d7a9ddd5db39ba375f0 FlagFound = 0; SCIFileName = ''; // Perform the search in the user .sci files. Nscipaths = size(PathList,1); counterscipaths = 1; while ((FlagFound == 0) & (counterscipaths <= Nscipaths)) dirscifilename = PathList(counterscipaths); fullpathscifilename = fullfile(dirscifilename,FileName); if (SCI2Cfileexist(dirscifilename,FileName)) // It is a function of the USER2C library. FlagFound = 1; SCIFileName = fullpathscifilename; end counterscipaths = counterscipaths + 1; end endfunction