function [flag_found,requested_line,line_position] = KeyStr2FileStrPos(filename,key_string,method) // function [flag_found,requested_line,line_position] = KeyStr2FileStrPos(filename,key_string,method) // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // #RNU_RES_B // This function returns a line and its position from a specified ASCII file. // The line and the position returned starts with a key string specified in the // input parameters. // // Input data: // filename: path + name of the ASCII file. // key_string: string that specifies the initial portion of the line to return. // method: 'cut': in the returned line will be removed the key_string // 'no_cut': (default), in the returned line will not be removed the key_string // // Output data: // flag_found: 0 if the line is not found or an error occured. // 1 if the search succeed. // requested_line: is the line in the file which contains as first characters those // specified in the key_string. // line_position: position of the line in the file; the first line in the file // is the line number 1. // #RNU_RES_E // // // Status: // 08-Jul-2002 -- Author: Raffaele Nutricato // 08-Jul-2002 -- Raffaele Nutricato: Revision OK // 23-Nov-2004 -- Raffaele Nutricato: Changed disp to warning in if (flag_found == 0). // It allows to disable the message it generates // by using warning off. // // Copyright 2007 Raffaele Nutricato. // Contact: // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------ // --- Check input arguments. --- // ------------------------------ SCI2CNInArgCheck(argn(2),2,3); if (argn(2) == 2) method = 'no_cut'; end method = convstr(method, 'u'); // Initialize output parameters flag_found = 0; requested_line = ''; line_position = 0; // Open the text file (read only) [fid,mess] = mopen(filename,'r'); if ( fid == -1 ) disp(['Cannot open: '+filename]) disp(mess); flag_found = 0; return; end // loop on the lines of the file num_chars = length(key_string); while (meof(fid) == 0) check_string = fgetl(fid); line_position = line_position + 1; if (key_string == check_string) & (key_string == num_chars) then flag_found = 1; requested_line = check_string; if (method =='cut') then requested_line(1:num_chars) = []; end mclose(fid); return; end end if (flag_found == 0) warning('Warning: string ' + key_string + ' not found in file: ' + filename); mclose(fid); end mclose(fid); endfunction