function outsize = FA_SZ_ROW_DIAG_INS_EXT(insize,val) // val ==> Position value ...,-2,-1,0,1,2.... //insize ==> insize(1) will give ROW size and insize(2) will give COLUMN size. insize = string(insize); row_num = eval(insize(1)); col_num = eval(insize(2)); val_num = eval(val); /////////////////////////////////////////////// FOR INSERT CONDITION //////////////////////////////////////////// if(row_num == 1) if(val_num == 0) then // For 0th position outsize = string(col_num);// ROW size is equal to COLUMN size else // For ....-2,-1,1,2... positions outsize = string(col_num+abs(val_num)); //ROW is equal to COLUMN SIZE + position value (i.e for 1*4 matrix and insert position 1 then ROW size is 4+1 = 5 ) end elseif(col_num == 1) // if Column size is one if(val_num == 0) then // For Oth position outsize = string(row_num); // ROW size is equal to ROW size else // ....-2,-1,1,2... positions. outsize = string(row_num + abs(val_num));//ROW is equal to ROW SIZE + position value (i.e for 4*1 matrix and insert position 1 then ROW size is 4+1 = 5 ) end /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////// FOR EXTRACT CONDITION ///////////////////////////////////////////////// elseif(row_num == col_num) // For no. of rows equal to no. of column (R == C) if(val_num == 0) then //For 0th position outsize = string(col_num); // No. of row is equal to column size else //For ....-2,-1,1,2... Positions outsize = string(col_num-abs(val_num)); //row value is equal to subtraction of column size and absolute value of position (i.e +ve and -ve both position values) end elseif(row_num > col_num) // for no. of rows greater than no. of column (R > C) if(val_num == 0) then // if 0th position outsize = string(col_num); // No. of row is equal to column size elseif(val_num > 0) then // For +ve positions i.e 1,2,3..... outsize = string(col_num-abs(val_num)); // No. of row is equal to subtraction of column size and absolute value of +ve postion elseif(val_num < 0 ) then // For -ve positions i.e -1,-2,-3 temp_outsize1 = row_num-abs(val_num); //In this row values are varying for 4*3 matrix there is no repetition of same row values,for 5*3 matrix there is (5-3 = 2) two same row size(i.e 3 and 3) for -1,-2 position and for 6*3 matrix there is (6-3 = 3) three same row size(i.e 3 ,3,3) for -1,-2,-3 position if(temp_outsize1 >= col_num) // if temp_outsize1 is greater than equal to column size then outsize = string(col_num); // row size is equal to column else outsize = string(row_num-abs(val_num)); // else row size is substractio of row and abosulte value of position(i.e -1,-2,-3) end end elseif(row_num < col_num) // for no. of rows less than no. of column size if(val_num == 0) then // if 0th position outsize = string(row_num); // No. of row is equal to row size elseif(val_num > 0) then // for +ve positions i.e 1,2 3..... temp_outsize2 = col_num-abs(val_num);// In this column values are varying for 3*4 matrix there is no repetition of same row values,for 3*5 matrix there is (5-3 =2) two same row size (i.e 3, 3 ) for 1 ,2 position and for 3*6 matrix there is (6-3 = 3) three row size (i.e 3 ,3 ,3) for 1,2 3 position if(temp_outsize2 >= row_num) // if temp_outsize2 is greater than equal to row size then outsize = string(row_num); // row size is equal to row size else outsize = string(col_num-abs(val_num)); // else row size substractio of column and absolute value end elseif(val_num < 0) then // for -ve positions i.e -1,-2,-3 .. positions outsize = string(row_num-abs(val_num)); // row size is substraction of row size and absolute value of position values(-1,-2,-3) end ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// end endfunction