#ifndef __SCI2CLIB_H__ #define __SCI2CLIB_H__ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #include #include #include /* CONSTANT */ #include "constant.h" /* LIB */ /* interfacing blas */ #include "blas.h" /* interfacing lapack */ #include "lapack.h" #include "sva.h" #include "int_sva.h" #include "svd.h" #include "int_svd.h" /* AUXILIARY FUNCTIONS */ /* interfacing abs */ #include "abs.h" #include "int_abs.h" /* interfacing conj */ #include "conj.h" #include "int_conj.h" /* interfacing disp */ #include "disp.h" #include "int_disp.h" /* interfacing find */ #include "find.h" #include "find2d.h" #include "int_find.h" /* interfacing frexp */ #include "frexp.h" /* interfacing isempty */ #include "isempty.h" #include "int_isempty.h" /* interfacing isnan */ #include "isnan.h" #include "int_isnan.h" /* interfacing length */ #include "length.h" #include "int_length.h" /* interfacing max */ #include "max.h" #include "int_max.h" /* interfacing min */ #include "min.h" #include "int_min.h" /* interfacing pythag */ #include "pythag.h" /* interfacing sign */ #include "sign.h" #include "int_sign.h" /* interfacing size */ #include "size.h" #include "int_size.h" /* interfacing type */ #include "type.h" #include "int_type.h" /* interfacing rand */ #include "rand.h" #include "int_rand.h" /* INTERPOLATION FUNCTIONS*/ /*interfacing interp1*/ #include "interp1.h" #include "int_interp1.h" /* ELEMENTARY FUNCTIONS */ #include "nextpow2.h" #include "int_nextpow2.h" /*interfacing gcd*/ #include "gcd.h" #include "int_gcd.h" /* interfacing isreal*/ #include "isreal.h" #include "int_isreal.h" /* interfacing atand */ #include "atand.h" #include "int_atand.h" /* interfacing asind */ #include "asind.h" #include "int_asind.h" /* interfacing asech */ #include "asech.h" #include "int_asech.h" /* interfacing asecd */ #include "asecd.h" #include "int_asecd.h" /* interfacing asec */ #include "asec.h" #include "int_asec.h" /* interfacing acsch */ #include "acsch.h" #include "int_acsch.h" /* interfacing acscd */ #include "acscd.h" #include "int_acscd.h" /* interfacing acsc */ #include "acsc.h" #include "int_acsc.h" /* interfacing acoth */ #include "acoth.h" #include "int_acoth.h" /* interfacing acotd */ #include "acotd.h" #include "int_acotd.h" /* interfacing acot */ #include "acot.h" #include "int_acot.h" /* interfacing acos */ #include "acos.h" #include "int_acos.h" /* interfacing acosd */ #include "acosd.h" #include "int_acosd.h" /* interfacing acosh */ #include "acosh.h" #include "int_acosh.h" /* interfacing asin */ #include "asin.h" #include "int_asin.h" /* interfacing asinh */ #include "asinh.h" #include "int_asinh.h" /* interfacing atan */ #include "atan.h" #include "atan2.h" #include "int_atan.h" /* interfacing atanh */ #include "atanh.h" #include "int_atanh.h" /* interfacing cos */ #include "cos.h" #include "int_cos.h" /* interfacing ceil */ #include "ceil.h" #include "int_ceil.h" /* interfacing cosh */ #include "cosh.h" #include "int_cosh.h" /* interfacing exp */ #include "exp.h" #include "int_exp.h" /* interfacing fix */ #include "fix.h" #include "int_fix.h" /*interfacing isrow*/ #include "isrow.h" #include "int_isrow.h" /*interfacing isscalar*/ #include "isscalar.h" #include "int_isscalar.h" /*interfacing iscolumn*/ #include "iscolumn.h" #include "int_iscolumn.h" /*interfacing ismatrix*/ #include "ismatrix.h" #include "int_ismatrix.h" /* interfacing floor */ #include "floor.h" #include "int_floor.h" /* interfacing int */ #include "int.h" #include "int_int.h" /* interfacing lnp1m1 */ #include "lnp1m1.h" /* interfacing log */ #include "log.h" #include "int_log.h" /* interfacing log10 */ #include "log10.h" #include "int_log10.h" /* interfacing log1p */ #include "log1p.h" #include "int_log1p.h" /* interfacing pow */ #include "pow.h" #include "matrixPow.h" #include "int_OpHat.h" #include "int_OpDotHat.h" /* interfacing round */ #include "round.h" #include "int_round.h" /* interfacing sin */ #include "sin.h" #include "int_sin.h" /* interfacing sinh */ #include "sinh.h" #include "int_sinh.h" /* interfacing sqrt */ #include "sqrt.h" #include "int_sqrt.h" /* interfacing tan */ #include "tan.h" #include "int_tan.h" /* interfacing tanh */ #include "tanh.h" #include "int_tanh.h" /* interfacing uint8 */ #include "uint8.h" #include "int_uint8.h" /* interfacing int8 */ #include "int8.h" #include "int_int8.h" /* interfacing uint16 */ #include "uint16.h" #include "int_uint16.h" /* interfacing int16 */ #include "int16.h" #include "int_int16.h" /* interfacing uint32 */ #include "uint32.h" #include "int_uint32.h" /* interfacing int32 */ #include "int32.h" #include "int_int32.h" /*interfacing bitand */ #include "bitand.h" #include "int_bitand.h" /*interfacing bitor */ #include "bitor.h" #include "int_bitor.h" /*interfacing bitxor */ #include "bitxor.h" #include "int_bitxor.h" /*interfacing bitcmp */ #include "bitcmp.h" #include "int_bitcmp.h" /*interfacing bitset */ #include "bitset.h" #include "int_bitset.h" /*interfacing bitget */ #include "bitget.h" #include "int_bitget.h" /*interfacing linspace */ #include "linspace.h" #include "int_linspace.h" /*interfacing logspace */ #include "logspace.h" #include "int_logspace.h" /*interfacing dec2base*/ #include "dec2base.h" #include "int_dec2base.h" /*interfacing base2dec*/ #include "base2dec.h" #include "int_base2dec.h" /*interfacing dec2bin*/ #include "dec2bin.h" #include "int_dec2bin.h" /*interfacing dec2hex*/ #include "dec2hex.h" #include "int_dec2hex.h" /*interfacing dec2oct*/ #include "dec2oct.h" #include "int_dec2oct.h" /*interfacing oct2dec*/ #include "oct2dec.h" #include "int_oct2dec.h" /*interfacing hex2dec*/ #include "hex2dec.h" #include "int_hex2dec.h" /*interfacing bin2dec*/ #include "bin2dec.h" #include "int_bin2dec.h" /*interfacing cosd*/ #include "cosd.h" #include "int_cosd.h" /*interfacing cotd*/ #include "cotd.h" #include "int_cotd.h" /*interfacing coth*/ #include "coth.h" #include "int_coth.h" /*interfacing csc*/ #include "csc.h" #include "int_csc.h" /*interfacing cscd*/ #include "cscd.h" #include "int_cscd.h" /*interfacing csch*/ #include "csch.h" #include "int_csch.h" /*interfacing sec*/ #include "sec.h" #include "int_sec.h" /*interfacing sech*/ #include "sech.h" #include "int_sech.h" /*interfacing secd*/ #include "secd.h" #include "int_secd.h" /*interfacing float*/ #include "get_float.h" #include "int_float.h" /*interfacing factorial*/ #include "factorial.h" #include "int_factorial.h" /*interfacing primes*/ #include "primes.h" #include "int_primes.h" /*interfacing factor*/ #include "factor.h" #include "int_factor.h" /*interfacing gcd*/ #include "gcd.h" #include "int_gcd.h" /*interfacing lcm*/ #include "lcm.h" #include "int_lcm.h" /* IMPLICIT LISTS */ /* interfacing implicitList/OpColon */ #include "implicitList.h" #include "int_OpColon.h" /* OPERATIONS */ /* interfacing assignation */ #include "int_OpEqual.h" /* interfacing addition */ #include "addition.h" #include "int_OpPlus.h" /* interfacing subtraction */ #include "subtraction.h" #include "int_OpMinus.h" /* interfacing multiplication */ #include "multiplication.h" #include "matrixMultiplication.h" #include "int_OpStar.h" #include "int_OpDotStar.h" /* interfacing division */ #include "division.h" #include "matrixDivision.h" #include "int_OpSlash.h" #include "int_OpDotSlash.h" #include "int_OpBackSlash.h" #include "int_OpDotBackSlash.h" /* interfacing comparison */ #include "int_OpLogNot.h" #include "int_OpLogEq.h" #include "int_OpLogNe.h" #include "int_OpLogGt.h" #include "int_OpLogGe.h" #include "int_OpLogLt.h" #include "int_OpLogLe.h" #include "int_OpLogAnd.h" #include "int_OpLogOr.h" /* interfacing insertion */ #include "int_OpIns.h" /* MATRIX OPERATIONS */ /* interfacing extraction */ #include "int_OpExt.h" /* interfacing cat */ #include "cat.h" #include "int_OpRc.h" #include "int_OpCc.h" /* interfacing chol */ #include "chol.h" #include "int_chol.h" /* interfacing determinant */ #include "determ.h" #include "int_det.h" /* interfacing expm */ #include "matrixExponential.h" #include "int_expm.h" /* interfacing eye */ #include "eye.h" #include "int_eye.h" /* interfacing fill */ #include "fill.h" /* interfacing inversion */ #include "matrixInversion.h" #include "int_invert.h" /* interfacing infinite norm */ #include "infiniteNorm.h" /* interfacing ones */ #include "ones.h" #include "int_ones.h" /* Linear Algebra - spec */ #include "spec.h" #include "int_spec.h" /* interfacing trace */ #include "matrixTrace.h" #include "int_trace.h" /* interfacing tranpose */ #include "matrixTranspose.h" #include "int_OpApex.h" #include "int_OpDotApex.h" /* interfacing zeros */ #include "zeros.h" #include "int_zeros.h" /* interfacing diag */ #include "diag.h" #include "int_diag.h" /*interfacing cumsum*/ #include "int_cumsum.h" #include "cumsum.h" /*interfacing matrix*/ #include "int_matrix.h" #include "matrix.h" /*interfacing cumprod*/ #include "int_cumprod.h" #include "cumprod.h" /*interfacing triu*/ #include "int_triu.h" #include "triu.h" /*interfacing tril*/ #include "int_tril.h" #include "tril.h" /*interfacing kron*/ #include "int_kron.h" #include "kron.h" /*interfacing flipdim*/ #include "int_flipdim.h" #include "flipdim.h" /*interfacing norm*/ #include "int_norm.h" #include "norm.h" /* SIGNAL PROCESSING */ #include "modk.h" #include "int_modk.h" /* interfacing idct */ //#include "idct.h" //#include "int_idct.h" /* interfacing dct */ //#include "dct.h" //#include "int_dct.h" /* interfacing convol */ #include "conv.h" #include "conv2d.h" #include "int_convol.h" /* interfacing fft */ #include "fft.h" #include "fft_internal.h" #include "int_fft.h" /* interfacing fftshift */ #include "fftshift.h" #include "int_fftshift.h" /* interfacing ifft */ #include "ifft.h" #include "ifft_internal.h" #include "int_ifft.h" /* interfacing lev */ #include "lev.h" #include "int_lev.h" /* interfacing zpbutt */ #include "zpbutt.h" #include "int_zpbutt.h" /*interfacing zpch1 */ #include "zpch1.h" #include "int_zpch1.h" /*interfacing zpch2 */ #include "zpch2.h" #include "int_zpch2.h" /*interfacing buttmag */ #include "buttmag.h" #include "int_buttmag.h" /*interfacing cheb1mag */ #include "cheb1mag.h" #include "int_cheb1mag.h" /*interfacing cheb2mag */ #include "cheb2mag.h" #include "int_cheb2mag.h" /*interfacing sinc */ #include "sinc.h" #include "int_sinc.h" /*interfacing sincd */ #include "sincd.h" #include "int_sincd.h" /*interfacing fsfirlin */ #include "fsfirlin.h" #include "int_fsfirlin.h" /*interfacing %k */ #include "modk.h" #include "int_modk.h" /*interfacing filt_sinc */ #include "filt_sinc.h" #include "int_filt_sinc.h" /*interfacing ffilt */ #include "ffilt.h" #include "int_ffilt.h" /*interfacing %sn */ #include "modsn.h" #include "int_modsn.h" /*interfacing ell1mag */ #include "ell1mag.h" #include "int_ell1mag.h" /* interfacing amell */ #include "amell.h" #include "int_amell.h" /* STATISTICS FUNCTIONS */ /* interfacing max */ #include "statMax.h" /* interfacing min */ #include "statMin.h" /* interfacing mean */ #include "mean.h" #include "int_mean.h" /* interfacing stdevf */ #include "stdevf.h" #include "int_stdevf.h" /* interfacing meanf */ #include "meanf.h" #include "int_meanf.h" /* interfacing sum */ #include "sum.h" #include "int_sum.h" /* interfacing prod */ #include "prod.h" #include "int_prod.h" /* interfacing variance */ #include "variance.h" #include "int_variance.h" /* TYPE */ /* interfacing real */ #include "int_real.h" /* interfacing imag */ #include "int_imag.h" #include "types.h" /* STRING*/ /* interface for String */ #include "int_string.h" /*include for string */ #include "str.h" /*ODE functions*/ #include "ode.h" #include "int_ode.h" /*Diff function*/ #include "diffc.h" #include "int_diffc.h" /*Functions related to file handling*/ #include "files.h" #include "int_files.h" /*Functions related to strings*/ #include "convstr.h" #include "int_convstr.h" /*interfacing strsubst*/ #include "strsubst.h" #include "int_strsubst.h" /*interfacing strrev*/ #include "strrev.h" #include "int_strrev.h" /*interfacing strrchr*/ #include "strrchr.h" #include "int_strrchr.h" /*interfacing strchr*/ #include "strchr.h" #include "int_strchr.h" /*interfacing ascii*/ #include "ascii.h" #include "int_ascii.h" /*interfacing strspn*/ #include "strspn.h" #include "int_strspn.h" /*interfacing strcspn*/ #include "strcspn.h" #include "int_strcspn.h" /*interfacing strncpy*/ #include "strncpy.h" #include "int_strncpy.h" /*Functions related to strings*/ #include "convstr.h" #include "int_convstr.h" #include "syslin.h" #include "int_syslin.h" #include "lqr.h" #include "int_lqr.h" #include "lqe.h" #include "int_lqe.h" #include "obscont.h" #include "int_obscont.h" #include "schur.h" #include "int_schur.h" #include "balanc.h" #include "int_balanc.h" #include "svd.h" /*Linear Alegbra - Singular value decompostion */ #include "int_svd.h" #include "rcond.h" #include "int_rcond.h" #include "hess.h" /* Linear Algebra - Hess function */ #include "int_hess.h" #include "sva.h" #include "int_sva.h" /*Linear Algebra - SVA function */ /*Functions related to opencv*/ /*#include "cvcore.hpp" #include "int_cvcore.hpp" #include "cvhighgui.hpp" #include "int_cvhighgui.hpp" #include "cvimgproc.hpp" #include "int_cvimgproc.hpp" */ /*Scilab-arduino toolbox*/ #ifdef Arduino1 #include "int_cmd_digital_out.h" #include "cmd_digital_out.h" #include "int_cmd_digital_in.h" #include "cmd_digital_in.h" #include "int_cmd_analog_out.h" #include "cmd_analog_out.h" #include "int_cmd_analog_in.h" #include "cmd_analog_in.h" #include "int_cmd_dcmotor.h" #include "cmd_dcmotor_run.h" #include "cmd_dcmotor_setup.h" #include "cmd_dcmotor_release.h" #include "int_sleep.h" #include "sleep.h" #include "int_cmd_analog_in_volt.h" #include "cmd_analog_in_volt.h" #include "int_cmd_analog_out_volt.h" #include "cmd_analog_out_volt.h" #include "cmd_i2c_dev.h" #include "int_cmd_i2c_dev.h" #include "cmd_i2c_write.h" #include "int_cmd_i2c_write.h" #include "cmd_i2c_read.h" #include "int_cmd_i2c_read.h" #include "cmd_i2c_write_register.h" #include "int_cmd_i2c_write_register.h" #include "cmd_i2c_read_register.h" #include "int_cmd_i2c_read_register.h" /*#include "cmd_servo_attach.h" #include "cmd_servo_detach.h" #include "cmd_servo_move.h" #include "int_cmd_servo.h" */ #endif /*AVR*/ #ifdef AVR1 #include "int_AVRPeripheralGPIO.h" #include "AVRPeripheralGPIO.h" #include "int_AVRPeripheralADC.h" #include "AVRPeripheralADC.h" #include "int_AVRPeripheralPWM.h" #include "AVRPeripheralPWM.h" #include "int_AVRUtil.h" #include "AVRUtil.h" #include "int_AVRPeripheralTimer.h" #include "AVRPeripheralTimer.h" #include "int_AVRPeripheralUART.h" #include "AVRPeripheralUART.h" #endif /*RPi*/ #ifdef RPi1 #include "wiringPi.h" #include "RPIPeripheralDigital.h" #include "int_RPIPeripheralDigital.h" #include "RPIPeripheralGertboard.h" #include "int_RPIPeripheralGertboard.h" #include "RPIPeripheralI2C.h" #include "int_RPIPeripheralI2C.h" #include "RPIPeripheralInterrupt.h" #include "int_RPIPeripheralInterrupt.h" #include "RPIPeripheralLCD.h" #include "int_RPIPeripheralLCD.h" #include "RPIPeripheralMcp.h" #include "int_RPIPeripheralMcp.h" #include "RPIPeripheralMisc.h" #include "int_RPIPeripheralMisc.h" #include "RPIPeripheralPcf.h" #include "int_RPIPeripheralPcf.h" #include "RPIPeripheralPiGlow.h" #include "int_RPIPeripheralPiGlow.h" #include "RPIPeripheralPinMap.h" #include "int_RPIPeripheralPinMap.h" #include "RPIPeripheralPWM.h" #include "int_RPIPeripheralPWM.h" #include "RPIPeripheralSerial.h" #include "int_RPIPeripheralSerial.h" #include "RPIPeripheralSetup.h" #include "int_RPIPeripheralSetup.h" #include "RPIPeripheralShift.h" #include "int_RPIPeripheralShift.h" #include "RPIPeripheralSoft.h" #include "int_RPIPeripheralSoft.h" #include "RPIPeripheralTiming.h" #include "int_RPIPeripheralTiming.h" #endif #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif // #ifdef opencv1 // #include "cvcore.hpp" // #include "int_cvcore.hpp" // #include "cvhighgui.hpp" // #include "int_cvhighgui.hpp" // #include "cvimgproc.hpp" // #include "int_cvimgproc.hpp" // #endif #endif /* !__SCI2CLIB_H__ */