<< AVRGetTimerValue Scilab 2 C Converter AVRPWM0Setup >>

Scilab 2 C Converter >> Scilab 2 C Converter > AVRPWM0SetDuty


Function to Set Duty cycle of PWM Output generated by Timer0 at OC0 pin.


duty :

It holds an integer value from 0 to 100 which sets the percentage of time for which signal is active.


Each Micro controller has PWM output pins which can generate varying voltage from 0V-5V.In this function by varying the duty cycle, varying voltage can be produced.

This is curretly dummy function. It provides no functionality but is required for providing support for generating C code for AVR.


AVRPWM0SetDuty(50); //Produces 2.5V at OC0 pin
AVRPWM0SetDuty(0); //Produces 0V at OC0 pin

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<< AVRGetTimerValue Scilab 2 C Converter AVRPWM0Setup >>