//Ex:94 clc; clear; close; b_c=72;//carrier BW in MHz f_l1=2100;//first local oscillator frequency in MHz f_i=140;// first intermediate freq in MHz f_smx=11700;//max downlink freq spectrum in MHz f_smn=10700;//min downlink freq spectrum in MHz f_c=f_l1+f_i;//in MHZ f_l2mx=f_smx-f_c;// in MHz f_l2mn=f_smn-f_c;// in MHz printf("The center frequency of BPF_1=%f GHz", f_c/1000); printf("\n The BW=%f MHz", f_i); printf("\n The max second oscillator frequency =%f GHz", f_l2mx/1000); printf("\n The min second oscillator frequency =%f GHz", f_l2mn/1000);