//Ex:90 clc; clear; close; t_a=60;// antenna noise temp in k l1=1.075;//loss in waveguide in K t_o=290;// in K t_e2=160;// in K; t_e3=10000;// in k G2=10^6;// low noise ampr gain t_eq=(l1-1)*t_o+(t_e2*l1)+(t_e3*l1)/G2;// in K t_s1=t_a+t_eq;// in k T_s1=10*log(t_s1)/log(10);// in db G=66;// in db g_t1=G-T_s1;//G/T ratio in db/K t_s2=(t_a*G2)/l1+(l1-1)*(t_o*G2)/l1+(t_e2*G2)+t_e3; T_s2=10*log(t_s2)/log(10);// in db G_2=66-0.3+60;// in db g_t2=G_2-T_s2;//G/T ratio in db/K printf("The G/T ratio=%f db/K", g_t1); printf("\n The G/T ratio=%f db/K", g_t2); printf("\n Both the G/T ratio are same");