clc; clear all; disp("Compare HT coefficients") disp("In case of turbulent tube flow, the average heat transfer coefficient is given by ") disp("Nu=h*d/k=0.023 *Re^0.8*Pr^0.333") disp("or, h = k*0.023 *Re^0.8*Pr^0.333/d") disp("where Re= u*d/v ") disp("thus h = 0.023*k/v^0.28*Pr^0.333*U^0.8/d^0.2") disp("i) when the flow velocity and the fluid properties remain unchanged") disp("h2/h1 =(d1/d2)^0.2=(1/2)^0.2 = 0.87") disp("this shows that heat transfer coefficient decreases to 0.87 when there is two-flod increase in the diameter of tube") disp("ii) when the tube diameter and fluid properties remain same") disp("h2/h1 =(u2/u1)^0.8 =2^0.8 =1.74 ") disp("this shows that the heat transfer is increases to 1.74 times when there is a two-fold increase in flow velocity")