clc; clear all; disp("steady state temperature distribution") disp("Let th = t-ta") disp("the controllign differential equation for the given problem is given by") disp("d2th/dx2+d2th/dy2 =0------(1)") disp("the boundary conditions are :") disp("i) at x = infinity, th =0") disp("ii) at x = 0, th =th0") disp("iii) at y =L, th =0") disp("iv) at y = 0, th =0") disp("The solution of eq. 1 is th = X(x)Y(y) ------ (2)") disp("substituting the solution in controlling equation, we get ") disp("1/X*d2X/dx2 =-1/Y*d2Y/dy2 = + or - lambda^2") disp("The required equations are :") disp("d2X^2/dx2-lambda^2*X =0 ------(iii)") disp("d2Y^2/dy2+lambda^2*Y =0 ------(iv)") disp("the solutions of eqns are :") disp("X = A*exp(lambda*x)+B*exp(-lambda*x)") disp("Y = C*cos(lambda*y)+D*sin(lambda*y)") disp("th = (A*exp(lambda*x)+B*exp(-lambda*x))*(C*cos(lambda*y)+D*sin(lambda*y))") disp(" from boundary condition i), we have ") disp("0 = (A*exp(lambda*x)+B*exp(-lambda*x))*(C*cos(lambda*y)+D*sin(lambda*y)") disp("A = 0 and th =B*(C*cos(lambda*y)+D*sin(lambda*y)") disp("from boundary condition iv), we have") disp("0 = C*B*exp(-lambda*x)") disp("hence C = 0 and equation reduces to th = B*D*sin(lambda*y)*exp(-lambda*x)") disp("from boundary condition iii) we get, 0 = E*exp(-lambda*x)*sin(lambda*L), where E = B*D") disp("since E is not 0, sin (lambda*L)=0") disp("lambda = 0, %pi/L,2*%pi/L.....") disp("lambdan = n*%pi/L, where n = 0,1,2....") disp("hence , th = E*exp(-lambdan*x)*sin(lambdan*y)") disp("from boundary eqn ii) we have ") disp("th = sum(En*sin(lambdan*y), 1, infinity)") disp("This is an expression of th0 in terms of Fourier series, where En are Fourier coefficients.") disp("by integrating we get") disp("th = 2*th0/L*(sum(((1-(-1)^n)/lambdan *exp(-lambdan*x)*sin(lambdan*y))") ,