clc; clear all; disp("monochromatic emmisive power") T=2500+273;//K l=1.2*10^(-6);// m e=0.9; sigma=5.67*10^(-8); C1=3.742*10^(-15);// W m^4/m2 C2=1.4388*10^(-2);// mK Elb=(C1*l^(-5))/(exp(C2/(l*T))-1);// W/m^2 disp("W/m^2",Elb,"monochromatic emmisive power at l= 1.2 mu m = ") lmax=2898/T; disp("mu m",lmax,"wavelength at which the emission is maximum is") Elbmax = (1.285*10^(-5))*T^5;// W/m^2 disp("W/m^2 per meter length",Elbmax,"Maximum emissive power =") Eb=sigma*T^4;//W/m^2 disp("W/m^2",Eb,"total emissive power =") Eeb= e*Eb;//W/m^2 disp("W/m^2",Eeb,"Total emissive power with emissivity =")