//example 5.44 clear; clc; disp("The values for reaction that goes on within the cadmium cell"); //Given: n=2;//no. of moles E=1.01463;//standard cadmium cell potential[volts] d=-5*10^-5;//i.e d=dE/dT[V/K] F=96500;//[coulomb/mol] T=298;//Temperature [K] //To find the values of dG,dS and dH dG=-n*E*F;//Change in Gibb's free energy[J] dS=n*F*d;//Change in entropy [J/K] dH=dG+T*dS;//change in enthalpy[J] printf(" dG=%f J",dG); printf("\n dS=%f J/K",dS); printf("\n dH=%f J",dH);