//example 5.28 clear; clc; //Given: P1=0.016;//Vapour pressure of pure ethanol at 273K[bar] P2=0.470;//Vapour pressure of pure ethanol at 333K[bar] T1=273;//initial temperature [K] T2=333;//final temperature[K] R=8.314;//Universal gas constant[J/K/mol] P=1.01;//vapour pressure at normal boiling point[bar] //To find the molar enthalpy of vapourization x=(T2^-1)-(T1^-1); He=-R*0.001*log(P2/P1)/x;//molar enthalpy of vaporization[J/mol] t=(T2^-1)-(R*0.001*log(P/P2)/He); T=(t^-1)-273;//normal boiling point [C] printf("The molar enthalpy of vapourization is %f J/mol",He); printf("\n\nThe normal boiling point for pure ethanol is %f C",T);