//example 5.15 clear; clc; disp("C6H12O6(s) + 6O2(g) --> 6CO2(g) + 6H2O(l)"); //Given: T=298;//Temperature[k] R=8.314;//Universal gas constant[J/K/mol] S=182.45;//standard entropy change at 298K [J/K] U=-2808;//change in internal energy at 298K[KJ/mol] //reaction is taking place in bomb calorimeter so no volume change //therefore U=Q at constant volume //To find the energy change that can be extracted as heat and work A=U-T*S*0.001;//Energy extracted as heat[KJ/mol] Wmax=A;//work done [KJ/mol] dn=6-6;//change in no. of moles H=U+dn*R*T;//Change in enthalpy of the bomb calorimeter[KJ] printf("The energy change that can be extracted as heat is %f KJ/mol", A); printf("\nThe energy change that can be extracted as work is %f KJ/mol", -A); printf("\nThe change in enthalpy of bomb calorimeter is %f KJ/mol",H);