//Example 1.9(a) clear; clc; rd=2*10^6;//Input Resistance ro=75;//Output Resistance a=200*10^3;//Open loop Gain R1=1*10^3; R2=999*10^3; b=R1/(R1+R2);//Feedback Factor T=a*b;//reteurn ratio or loop gain Aapprox=(1+(R2/R1))*(1/(1+(1/T)))//Approximate Gain Riapprox=rd*(1+T);//Approximate Input Resistance Roapprox=ro/(1+T); Anum=((1+(R2/R1))*a)+(ro/rd)//Numerator of exact Gain Aden=1+a+(R2/R1)+((R2+ro)/rd)+(ro/R1);//Denominator of exact Gain Aexact=Anum/Aden;//exact Gain Ri1=rd*(1+(a/(1+((R2+ro)/R1)))); Ri2=(R1*(R2+ro))/(R1+R2+ro); Riexact=Ri1+Ri2;//Exact Input Resistance Ronum=ro; Roden=1+((a+(ro/R1)+(ro/rd))/(1+(R2/R1)+(R2/rd))) Roexact=Ronum/Roden;//Exact Output Resistance //Ideal Value of input resistance Ri1 is infinity and ideal value of output resistance Ro1 is 0. printf("Exact Value of A is =%.2f V/V",Aexact); printf("\nApproximate Value of A is =%.3f V/V",Aapprox); printf("\nIdeal Value of A is =%.3f V/V",1000); printf("\nExact Value of Ri is =%.3f Mohms",Riexact/10^6); printf("\nApproximate Value of Ri is =%.3f Mohms",Riapprox/10^6); printf("\nIdeal Value of Ri is infinity"); printf("\nExact Value of Ro is =%.3f mohms",Roexact*10^3); printf("\nApproximate Value of Ro is =%.3f mohms",Roapprox*10^3); printf("\nApproximate Value of Ro is =%.3f ohms",0);