mode(-1); clc; global INTERFACE // To be customized (perl slower than compiled version) // INTERFACE = 'perl' -> platform indepedent interface based on Perl // INTERFACE = 'win32' -> interface in C, compiled for Windows // INTERFACE = 'lin86' -> interface in C, compiled for Linux 32 bits x86 // INTERFACE = 'sparc' -> interface in C, compiled for Solaris Sparc // interface.c can be compiled, put executable in 'myos' ans set INTERFACE = 'myos' INTERFACE = 'perl'; libname='SYMBOLIC' libname_ext='SYMB_ext' libtitle='Symbolic Math Toolbox'; // Generic part // get the absolute path [units,typs,nams]=file(); clear units typs for k=size(nams,'*'):-1:1 l=strindex(nams(k),'loader.sce'); if l<>[] then DIR=part(nams(k),1:l($)-1); break end end // Path to macros if ~MSDOS then // Unix if part(DIR,1)<>'/' then DIR=getcwd()+'/'+DIR,end MACROS=DIR+'macros/' MACROS_ext=DIR+'macros/percent/' else // Windows if part(DIR,2)<>':' then DIR=getcwd()+'\'+DIR,end DIR=strsubst(DIR,'/','\'); MACROS=DIR+'macros\' MACROS_ext=DIR+'macros\percent\' end // load the library execstr(libname+'=lib(""'+MACROS+'"")') execstr(libname_ext+'=lib(""'+MACROS_ext+'"")') // lauch server and Maxima global SYMDIR if MSDOS then SYMDIR = DIR+'server\'; exec(SYMDIR+'serveur.sce'); else SYMDIR = DIR+'server/'; exec(SYMDIR+'serveur.sce'); end; // Specific SYMBOLIC DIR2 = strsubst(DIR,'\','/'); mess=[' ';' ';libtitle+'. Type hlp symbolic.';'file://'+DIR2+'doc/index.html']; write(%io(2),mess); // Add the help chapter //%helps = [DIR+'man', libtitle;%helps] // no help at that time clear fd err nams DIR DIR2 libname libname_ext libtitle mess //clean environment