clc; warning("off"); printf("\n\n example14.6 - pg732"); // given T=423.2; //[K] - temperature P=5; //[atm] - pressure Ma=4.0026; //[kg/mole] - molecular weight of helium Mb=60.09121; //[kg/mole] - molecular weight of propanol Dab_experimental=1.352*10^-5; //[m^2/sec] - experimental value of diffusion coefficient of helium-proponal system // the diffusion volumes for carbon , hydrogen and oxygen are- Vc=16.5; Vh=1.98; Vo=5.48; V_A=3*Vc+8*Vh+Vo; V_B=2.88; patm=5; // using the FSG correlation Dab=(10^-7)*(((T^1.75)*((1/Ma)+(1/Mb))^(1/2))/(patm*((V_A)^(1/3)+(V_B)^(1/3))^2)); printf("\n\n Dab=%em^2/sec",Dab); printf("\n\n The FSG correlation agrees to about 2 percent with the experimental value");