clc; warning("off"); printf("\n\n example12.16 - pg624"); // given d=24*10^-6; //[m] - diameter of wire T=415; //[K] - operating temperature of hot wire anemometer P=0.1; //[W] - power consumption L=250*d; Tair=385; //[K] - temperature of air in duct A=%pi*d*L; Tfilm=(T+Tair)/2; // properties of air at Tfilm p=0.8825; //[kg/m^3] mu=2.294*10^-5; //[kg/m*s] cpf=1013; //[J*kg/K] kf=0.03305; //[W/m*K] Npr=0.703; h=P/(A*(T-Tair)); Nnu=(h*d)/kf; function y=func(x) y=Nnu-0.3-((0.62*(x^(1/2))*(Npr^(1/3)))/((1+((0.4/Npr)^(2/3)))^(1/4)))*((1+((x/(2.82*(10^5)))^(5/8)))^(4/5)); endfunction // on solving the above function for x by using some root solver technique like Newton raphson method , we get x=107.7; // or Nre=107.7; y=func(x); Um=(Nre*mu)/(d*p); printf("\n\n The velocity is \n Um = %f m/sec = %f ft/sec",Um,Um*3.28);