clc; warning("off"); printf("\n\n example10.6 - pg419"); // given L=300; //[m] - length of pipe d=0.06; //[m] - inside diameter deltap=147*10^3; //[Pa] - pressure the pump can supply ebyd=0.000762; // relative roughness p=1000; //[kg/m^3] - density mu=1*10^-3; //[kg/m*sec] - viscosity Nvk=((d*p)/mu)*((d*(deltap))/(2*L*p))^(1/2); disp(Nvk,"von karman no.-"); // From the fig at given von karman no and relative roughness the value of f is- f=0.0055; Nre=Nvk/(f^(1/2)) U=(Nre*mu)/(d*p); printf("\n\n U=%f m/sec",U);