clc; warning("off"); printf("\n\n example10.2 - pg407"); Nreold=1214; T= 300l; // K Uold=0.8810; Nre=13700; U=Uold*(Nre/Nreold); Lbyd=744; // using the newton raphson method to calculate the value of f from the equation - 1/(f^(1/2))=4*log(Nre*(f^(1/2)))-0.4 f=0.007119; p=(0.88412-(0.92248*10^-3)*T)*10^3; //[kg/m^3] - density tauw=(1/2)*p*(U^2)*f; deltap=tauw*(4)*(Lbyd); d=0.03254/12; //[ft] L=Lbyd*d; printf("\n\n Pressure drop is \n -deltap=%e N/m^2=%f kpa=130 psi",deltap,deltap*10^-3); printf("\n\n A pressure drop of 130 psi on a tube of length of %f ft is high and shows the impracticality of flows at high reynolds number in smaller tubes",L);