clc; warning("off"); printf("\n\n example10.1 - pg405"); T=30; //[degC] - temperature d=8.265*10^-4; //[m] - diameter of the capillary viscometer deltapbyL=-0.9364; //[psi/ft] - pressure drop per unit length deltapbyL=deltapbyL*(2.2631*10^4); //[kg/m^2*sec^2] - pressure drop per unit length Q=28.36*(10^-6)*(1/60); p=(0.88412-(0.92248*10^-3)*T)*10^3; //[kg/m^3] - density s=(%pi*(d^2))/4; U=Q/s; tauw=(d/4)*(-deltapbyL); shearrate=(8*U)/d; mu=tauw/(shearrate); printf("\n\n The viscosity is \n mu=%f kg/m*sec=%f cP",mu,mu*10^3); printf("\n\n Finally, it is important to check the reynolds number to make sure the above equation applies"); Nre=(d*U*p)/(mu); disp(Nre,"Nre="); printf("\n\n The flow is well within the laminar region and therefore the above equation applies");