// example 7.9(c)// clc //clears the screen// clear //clears all variables// disp('here ABCD = 0001 and G1''=1 and G2''=1') r= input('Enter the value of G1'' (0 or 1) : ' ); //accepting the inputs from the user// t=input('Enter the value of G2'' (0 or 1): ' ); sel = input ('Enter the values of ABCD : ' ); strb = bitcmp(bitand (r,t),1); if strb ==0 then //checking whether strobe is high or low// if sel ==1100 then y= 'The two pulses are steered to the Y12 output ' ; else y= 'The output Y12 remains in the High state '; end else y='The output Y12 remains in the High state ' ; end disp (y) //displaying result//