clear; clc; // Illustration 6.3 // Page: 328 printf('Illustration 6.3 - Page: 328\n\n'); // solution //*****Data*****// // n-heptane - a n-octane - b P = 1; // [bar] // Basis: F = 100; // [mole] // Therefore D = 60; // [mole] W = 40; // [mole] xf = 0.5; // Substituting in equation 6.11 yields // log(F/W) = Integration of dx/(y_star-x) from xw to 0.50 // The equilibrium-distribution data for this system can be generated by calculating the liquid composition (x = xw) at the dew point (D = l.O).for different feed // compositions (y_star = z). y_star = [0.5 0.55 0.60 0.65 0.686 0.70 0.75]; x = [0.317 0.361 0.409 0.460 0.5 0.516 0.577]; for i = 1:7 f(i) = 1/(y_star(i)-x(i)); end area = [0.317 5.464;0.361 5.291;0.409 5.236;0.460 5.263;0.5 5.376;0.516 5.435;0.577 7.78]; // LHS of equation 6.11 a = log(F/W); scf(4); plot(area(:,1),area(:,2)); xgrid(); legend('area under curve'); xlabel("x"); ylabel("1/(y_satr-x)"); // When the area becomes equal to 0.916, integration is stopped; this occurs at xw = 0.33; // [mole fraction of heptane in residue] yd =( F*xf-W*xw)/D; // [mole fraction of heptane] printf("The composition of the composited distillate and the residue are %f and %f respectively\n\n",yd,xw);