clc //ex2.23 R_1=1*10^3; //case (a) disp('case a:') R_2=10*10^3; R_3=732; R_x=R_2*R_3/R_1; //wheatstone bridge condition disp(R_x,'Value of Rx in ohms') //case (b) disp('case b:') //R_x is maximum when both R_2 and R_3 are maximum R_2_max=1*10^6; R_3_max=1100; R_x_max=R_2_max*R_3_max/R_1; //wheatstone bridge condition disp(R_x_max,'Maximum value of Rx in ohms') //case(c) disp('case c:') //increment in R_x is scale factor times increment in R_3 R_2=1*10^6; R_3_inc=1; //increment in R_3 R_x_inc=R_2*R_3_inc/R_1; //increment in R_x from bride balance condition disp(R_x_inc,'Increment between values of Rx in ohms for the bridge to be balanced')