clc //ex10.1 V_ss=2; R=1*10^3; V_D=[0:0.001:2]; plot(V_D,10^3*(V_ss-V_D)/R) xtitle('load line plot','voltage in volts','current in milli-amperes') //milli-10^-3 //we use the equation V_ss=R*i_D+V_D //at point B i_D=V_ss/R; //as V_D=0 //at point A V_D=V_ss; //as i_D=0 //now we see intersection of load line with characteristic and we get following at operating point V_DQ=0.7; //voltage I_DQ=1.3*10^-3; //current //diode characteristic cannot be plotted disp(V_DQ,'diode voltage at operating point in volts') disp(I_DQ*10^3,'current at opeating point in milli-amperes') //milli-10^-3