clc; //Example 7.4 //Page No 259 disp("Given: An FM modulator with a peak frequency deviation df=10kHz, a modulating signal frequency fm=10kHz, Vc=10V and a 500kHz carrier. "); //Solution df=10; fm=10; n=3; //(a) disp("(a)Substituting into equation 7-22(refer pgno 251) "); m=df/fm; disp(m,"m = "); disp("From Table 7.3") B=2*(n*fm); disp('kHz',B,"B = "); //(b) disp("(b)Substittuting into equation 7-34(refer pgno 259), the bandwidth is "); b=2*(df+fm); disp('kHz',b,"B = "); //(c) disp("(c)The relative amplitudes of the carrier and side frequencies are, "); disp(" J0= 0.77x(10) = 7.7 V"); disp(" J1= 0.44x(10) = 4.4 V"); disp(" J2= 0.11x(10) = 1.1 V"); disp(" J3= 0.02x(10) = 0.2 V"); disp("The output frequency spectrum for the Bessel approximation is shown in figure 7-7.");