//Caption:Design a transistor bootstrap ramp generator //Ex9.6 clc; clear; close; V=8//Amplitude of output voltage(in volts) Vd=0.7//Forward diode voltage(in volts) Vce=0.2//Saturated collector emitter voltage(in volts) t=1//Interval between pulses(in ms) Vt=3//Triggering voltage(in volts) E=15//Supply voltage(in volts) vbe=0.7//Base emitter voltage(in volts) vb=0.5//Bse voltage(in volts) hfe=100 R=1//Load resistor(in kilo ohm) Ie1=E/R Ie2=(V-(-E))/R Ib1=Ie1/hfe Ib2=Ie2/hfe Ibc=Ib2-Ib1 I1=100*Ibc/1000 C1=I1*t*1000/V Vr1=E-Vd-Vce R1=Vr1/I1 Vc3=E/100 C3=I1*t*1000/Vc3 Il=V/R I1=100*Il/1000 Ic=10*I1 Ib=Ic/hfe Rb=(E-vbe)/(Ib*1000) Vbb=V-vbe-vb I=(E+Vt)/Rb C2=I*t/Vbb disp(C3,C2,C1,Rb,'Circuit components are resistor Rb(in kilo ohm) and capacitances C1,C2,C3(in micro farad)=')