//clear// //Caption: Program to Determine the electric field of a two infinite radial planes with an interior angle alpha //Example 7.3 //page 180 clc; phi = sym('phi'); A = sym('A'); B = sym('B'); Vo = sym('Vo'); alpha = sym('alpha'); aphi = sym('aphi'); r = sym('r'); V = integ(A,phi)+B; disp(V,'V ='); V = limit(V,B,0); V = limit(V,A,Vo/alpha); disp(V,'Potential V after applying boundary conditions =') E = -(1/r)*diff(V,phi)*aphi; disp(E,'E =') //Result // V = B+phi*A // Potential V after applying boundary conditions = phi*Vo/alpha // E = -aphi*Vo/(alpha*r)