//clear// //Caption: Derivation of capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor //Example7.1 //page 177 clc; x = sym('x'); d = sym('d'); Vo = sym('Vo'); e = sym('e'); ax = sym('ax'); A = sym('A'); B = sym('B'); S = sym('S'); V = integ(A,x)+B; V = limit(V,A,Vo/d); V = limit(V,B,0); disp(V,'Potential in Volts V =') E = -diff(V,x)*ax; disp(E,'Electric Field in V/m E =') D = e*E; DN = D/ax; disp(D,'Electric Flux Density in C/square metre D =') Q = -DN*S; disp(Q,'Charge in Coulombs Q =') C = Q/Vo; disp(C,'Capacitance of parallel plate capacitor C =') //Result //Potential in Volts V = Vo*x/d //Electric Field in V/m E = -ax*Vo/d //Electric Flux Density in C/square metre D = -ax*e*Vo/d //Charge in Coulombs Q = e*Vo*S/d //Capacitance of parallel plate capacitor C = e*S/d