//clear// //Caption: Calculation of worst case Dynamic Range //Example13.3 //page 465 clear; clc; close; N = [5,10] ;//number of stations alpha = 0.4;//attenuation in dB/Km L = 0.5; //link length in Km Lc = 1.0; // coupler-to-fiber loss in dB L_thru = 0.9;// coupler throughput in dB Li = 0.5;//Intrinsic coupler loss in dB DR = (N-2)*(alpha*L+2*Lc+Li+L_thru); disp(DR,'worst-case dyanmic range in dB for N =5 and 10 respectively DR =') //Result //worst-case dyanmic range in dB for N =5 and 10 respectively DR = // 10.8 28.8