//clear// //Caption: Four-wave mixing-calculation of power generated due to the //interaction of signals at different frequencies //Example12.3 //page 438 clear; clc; close; chi1111 = 6e-15;//Third order nonlinear suceptibility cubicmeter/W.s D =3; //degenerating factor Leff = 22e03;//effective length in meters Aeff = 6.4e-11;//effective cross-sectional area of the fiber in square meter etta = 0.05;//quantum efficiency Lambda = 1540e-09; //Wavelength in single mode fibers in meter C = 3e08; //free space velocity in m/sec alpha =0.0461; //atttenuation per Km L =75; //fiber link length in Km P = 1e-03; //each channel input power of 1 milli watts n = 1.48; //refractive index k = ((32*(%pi^3)*chi1111)/((n^2)*Lambda*C))*(Leff/Aeff); //nonlinear interaction constant P112 = etta*(D^2)*(k^2)*(P^3)*exp(-alpha*L); disp(P112*1e03,'Power generated due to interaction of signals at different freq. in milli watts P112=') //Result // Power generated due to interaction of signals at different freq. in milli watts P112= // 5.798D-08