//Example 7.11 clc clear x = 1:0.1:1.8; x = round(x*10)/10; y = [1.543 1.669 1.811 1.971 2.151 2.352 2.577 2.828 3.107]; n = length(x); x0 = x(1); xn = x(n); N = [1 2 4 8] for j = 1:length(N) h = (xn - x0)./N(j); I = y(1); for xx = x0+h:h:xn-h xx = round(xx*10)/10; I = I + 2*y(x==xx); end Itrap(j) = h/2*(I + y(n)); IRomb(1) = Itrap(1); if j~=1 then IRomb(j) = (4^(j-1)*Itrap(j)-IRomb(j-1))/(4^(j-1)-1); end end IRomb = round(IRomb*10^5)/10^5; disp(Itrap(length(N)),"Integral using Trapezoidal rule:") disp(IRomb(length(N)),"Integral using Romberg''s formula:") //In third step of computation of integral using Romberg's formula, author mistakenly took the 1.7672 instead of 1.7684 which resulted in a difference