//clear// clear; clc; //Example 28.1 //Given rho_p = 0.002650; //[g/mm^3] a = 2; phi_s = 0.571; //Solution //(a) //For the 4/6-mesh increment, from Table 28.2 x = [0,2.51,12.5,32.07,25.7,15.9,5.38,2.10,1.02,0.77,0.58,0.41,0.31,0.75]'*10^-2; //[mass fraction] Dp = [4.699,3.327,2.362,1.651,1.168,0.833,0.589,0.417,0.295,0.208,0.147,0.104,0.074,0.0]'; //[mm] Dpbar(1) = 10^-5; for i =2:length(Dp) Dpbar(i) = (Dp(i-1)+Dp(i))/2; end //(a) //Using Eq.(28.4) Aw = 6/(phi_s*rho_p)*sum(x(1:$-1)./Dpbar(1:$-1))/(1-x($)); //[mm^2/g] Nw = 1/(a*rho_p)*sum(x(1:$-1)./Dpbar(1:$-1)^3)/(1-x($)); //[particles/g] disp('particles/g',Nw,'Nw = ','mm^2/g',Aw,'Aw = '); //(b) //Using Eq.(28.9) Dvbar = (1/sum(x(1:$-1)./Dpbar(1:$-1)^3)/(1-x($)))^(1/3); //[mm]; disp('mm',Dvbar,'Dvbar = '); //(c) //Using Eq.(28.6) Dsbar = 1/sum(x(1:$-1)./Dpbar(1:$-1))/(1-x($)); //[mm] disp('mm',Dsbar,'Dsbar = '); //(d) //Using Eq.(28.8) and Table 28.3 Dwbar = sum(x.*Dpbar); //[mm] disp('mm',Dwbar,'Dwbar = '); //(e) //Using Eq.(28.11) N2 = x($-1)/(a*rho_p*Dpbar($-1)^3); //[particles/g] disp('particles/g',N2,'Nt = '); fra = N2/Nw; disp(fra,'Fraction of the particles in te top 12 increments = ');