//clear// clear; clc; //Example 17.2 //Given Nreal = 7; VbyL = 1.5; m = 0.8; yb = 0; xb_star = 0; //xb=0.1*xa; //(a) //Stripping Factor S = m*VbyL; //From an ammonia balance, //ya =0.9*xa/VbyL; //Also //xa_star = ya/m //Using Eq.(17.28) //N = ln((xa-0.75*xa)/(0.1*xa-0))/ln(S) N = log(0.25/0.1)/log(S); disp(N,'Number of ideal trays required are') stage_eff = N/Nreal*100; disp('%',stage_eff,'Stage Efficiency is') //(b) VbyL = 2; S = m*VbyL; //Then, //Let A = (xa-xa_star)/xb A = exp(5.02); //Let 'f' be the fraction of NH3 removed. Then xb = (1-f)*xa. //By a material balance //y = L/V*(xa-xb) = 1/2*(xa-(1-f)*xa)= 1/2*f*xa //xa_star = ya/m = 0.5*f*xa/0.8 = 0.625*f*xa //Thus, //xa-xa_star = (1-0.625*f)*xa //Also, //xa-xa_star = 10.59*xb = 10.59*(1-f)*xa //from these f = 0.962 disp('%',f,'percentage removal obtained in this case is')