//Caption:Find (a)Speed of the motor (b)Speed at which torque will be maximum (c)Ratio of maximum to full load torque //Exa:11.5 clc; clear; close; V=3300//Voltage supplied to induction motor(in volts) p=10//Number of poles f=50//frequency(in hertz) R_r=0.015//Rotor resistance per phase(in ohms) X_r=0.25//Standstill reactance per phase(in ohms) s=2.5//Slip(in %) n_s=(f*120)/p n=n_s*(1-(s/100)) disp(n,'(a)Speed of the motor(in r.p.m)=') S=R_r/X_r N=n_s*(1-S) disp(N,'(b)Speed at which torque will be maximum(in r.p.m)=') T_f=(s/100)*R_r/((R_r^2)+(((s/100)^2)*(X_r^2))) T_m=S*R_r/((R_r^2)+((S^2)*(X_r^2))) R=T_m/T_f disp(R,'(c)Ratio of maximum to full load torque=')