//Chapter 9 //Example 9.1 //page 335 //To calculate fault current clear;clc; //selecting base KVA and MVA mvab=100; Gmva=10; T1mva=10; T2mva=5; Gkvb=11; //generator kV base OHLkvb=33; //overhead line kV base Ckvb=6.6;// cable kB base xg1=%i*0.15; xg2=%i*0.125; xt1=%i*0.10; xt2=%i*0.08; xOHL=0.27+%i*0.36 ; xcab= 0.135+%i*0.08; //clculating PU impedances xg1=(xg1*mvab)/Gmva; xg2=(xg2*mvab)/Gmva; xt1=(xt1*mvab)/T1mva; xt2=(xt2*mvab)/T2mva; xOHL=(30*xOHL*mvab)/(OHLkvb^2); xcab=(3*xcab*mvab)/(Ckvb^2); //displaying results printf('\n Reactance of G1= j%0.1f pu \n',abs(imag(xg1))); printf(' Reactance of G2= j%0.1f pu\n',abs(imag(xg2))); printf(' Reactance of T1= j%0.1f pu\n',abs(imag(xt1))); printf(' Reactance of T2= j%0.1f pu\n',abs(imag(xt2))); printf(' Overhead line impedance=(%0.3f + j%0.3f) pu\n',real(xOHL),abs(imag(xOHL))); printf(' Cable impedance= (%0.3f + j%0.3f) pu\n',real(xcab),abs(imag(xcab))); // Impedance diagram is as shown in the figure9.7 in the textbook // A XCOS simulation for this proble is done to explain the subtransient,transient and steady state periods of a symmetrical short circuit xtotal=((xg1*xg2)/(xg1+xg2)+xt1+xt2+xOHL+xcab); Isc_pu=(1/xtotal); Ibase=(mvab/(sqrt(3)*Ckvb))*1000; Isc=Isc_pu*Ibase; x_F_to_bus=(xt1+xt2+xOHL+xcab); v_11b=x_F_to_bus*Isc_pu*11; //displaying results printf('\nTotal impedance= %0.1f < %0.2f deg pu \n',abs(xtotal),atand(imag(xtotal)/real(xtotal))); printf('Short circuit current= %d A\n',abs(Isc)); printf('Voltage at 11kV bus=%0.2f kV\n',abs(v_11b));