Current distribution factors are : Ma1=1 Mb1=-0.2174 Mc1=0.2174 Md1=0.7826 Ma2=0 Mb2=0.7826 Mc2=0.2174 Md2=0.7826 Bus voltages are given by V1=1.066 @ 6.06deg PU V2=1.052 @ 4.91deg PU Current phase angles at the plants Sigma1=-14deg Sigma2=-14deg The plant power factors are pf1=0.9391 pf2=0.9458 The Loss coefficients in PU are B11=0.02226 pu B22=0.01595 pu B12=0.00406 pu The Loss coefficients in reciprocal megawatts are B11=0.00022259 MW^-1 B22=0.00015947 MW^-1 B12=0.00004062 MW^-1