//Chapter 7 //Example 7.3 //page 249 //To find the economical operation clear;clc; //from the table we got as the output in the example_7_1 //for optimum operation of load 220MW,unit 1&2 must be loaded 100MW and 120MW respwctively //and for a load of 76MW,unit 1&2 must be loaded 20MW and 56MW respwctively start_up=400; //case(i) printf('\nCase(i)'); //total fuel cost for the load of 220MW during 6AM to 6PM Pg1=100; Pg2=120; C1=0.1*Pg1^2+40*Pg1+120; C2=0.125*Pg2^2+30*Pg2+100; total1=(C1+C2)*12; printf('\nTotal fuel cost for the load of 220MW during 6AM to 6PM = Rs. %d',total1); //total fuel cost for the load of 76MW during 6PM to 6AM Pg1=20; Pg2=56; C1=0.1*Pg1^2+40*Pg1+120; C2=0.125*Pg2^2+30*Pg2+100; total2=(C1+C2)*12; printf('\nTotal fuel cost for the load of 76MW during 6PM to 6AM if both the units run = Rs. %d',total2); total=total1+total2; //total fuel cost for 24hrs printf('\nTotal fuel cost for the load during 24hrs if both the units run = Rs. %d',total); //case(ii) printf('\n\nCase(ii)'); //If during light load condition unit2 is On and Unit1 is Off then Pg2=76; C2=0.125*Pg2^2+30*Pg2+100; total2=C2*12; total_case2=total1+total2+start_up; printf('\nTotal fuel cost for the 24hrs laod if only unit 2 run during light loads is = Rs. %d',total_case2);