//Chapter 5 //Example 5.1 //page 132 //To find sending-end voltage and voltage regulation clc;clear; load1=5000; //kW pf=0.707; Vr=10000; //receiving end voltage R=0.0195*20; X=2*%pi*50*0.63*10^-3*20; //to find sending end voltage and voltage regulation I=load1*1000/(Vr*pf); Vs=Vr+I*(R*pf+X*sin(acos(pf))); voltage_regulation=(Vs-Vr)*100/Vr; printf('\n\nReceiving current =I=%d A\n',I); printf('Sending end voltage =Vs=%d V\n',Vs); printf('Voltage Regulation=%0.2f %%',voltage_regulation); //to find the value of the capacitor to be connected in parallel to the load voltage_regulation_desi=voltage_regulation/2; Vs=(voltage_regulation_desi/100)*Vr+Vr; //by solving the equations (i) and (ii) pf=0.911; Ir=549; Ic=(Ir*(pf-%i*sin(acos(pf))))-(707*(0.707-%i*0.707)); Xc=(Vr/imag(Ic)); c=(2*%pi*50*Xc)^-1; printf('\n\nCapacitance to be connected across the load so as to reduce voltage regulation by half of the above voltage regulation is given by :\n C = %d uF\n',c*10^6); //to find efficiency in both the cases //case(i) losses=I*I*R*10^-3; n=(load1/(load1+losses))*100; printf('\n Efficiency in : \nCase(i) \t n=%0.1f%%',n); //caase(ii) losses=Ir*Ir*R*10^-3; n=(load1/(load1+losses))*100; printf('\nCase(ii) \t n=%0.1f%%',n);