//Chapter 12 //Example 12.6 //page 457 //To find steady state power limit clear;clc; V=1.0; //infinite bus volatge Vt=1.2; //terminal volatge Xd=0.5*%i; //synchronous generator reactance X=%i; //series reactance //by solving the expressions given in the textbook theta=acosd(0.5/1.8); printf('\n\ntheta=%0.3f deg',theta); Vt=Vt*(cosd(theta)+%i*sind(theta)); printf('\nVt=%0.3f+j%0.3f pu',real(Vt),imag(Vt)); I=(Vt-V)/X; printf('\nI=%0.3f+j%0.3f pu',real(I),imag(I)); E=Vt+Xd*I; printf('\nE=%0.3f @ %d deg pu',abs(E),atand(imag(E)/real(E))); Pmax=(abs(E)*abs(V))/abs(X+Xd); printf('\n\nSteady state power limit is given by:\tPmax=%0.3f pu',Pmax); E=1.2;Pmax=(abs(E)*abs(V))/abs(X+Xd); printf('\n\nIf the generator emf is held fixed at a value 1.2pu,steady state power limit would be :\t Pmax=%0.2f pu\n\n',Pmax);