Augmented prefault bus admittance matrix (in PU) is given by Ybus= 11.284152 - 65.612163i 0 0 - 4.244997 + 24.257126i - 7.0391553 + 41.355037i 0 - 11.235955i 0 11.235955i 0 0 0 - 7.1428571i 0 7.1428571i - 4.244997 + 24.257126i 11.235955i 0 6.659713 - 44.617911i - 1.4488088 + 8.8538313i - 7.0391553 + 41.355037i 0 7.1428571i - 1.4488088 + 8.8538313i 8.9769945 - 57.297216i Bus admittance matrix during fault (in PU) is given by Ybus_during_fault= 5.7986033 - 35.768947i 0 - 0.0681253 + 5.1661269i 0 - 11.235955i 0 - 0.0681253 + 5.1661269i 0 0.1361683 - 6.2737394i Bus admittance matrix postfault (in PU) is given by Ybus_post_fault= 1.3931179 - 14.011919i - 0.2213865 + 7.628982i - 0.0901365 + 6.0974822i - 0.2213865 + 7.628982i 0.5005328 - 7.7897867i 0 - 0.0901365 + 6.0974822i 0 0.1590837 - 6.1167759i WARNING : The size of the figure may not be as wide as you want.