//Pump Power// pathname=get_absolute_file_path('10.03.sce') filename=pathname+filesep()+'10.03-data.sci' exec(filename) [nQ mQ]= size(Q); [nps mps]=size(ps); [npd mpd]= size(pd); [nI mI]= size(I); //Correct measured static pressures to he pump centreline p1, p2(in psig): j=1:mps; p1=ps(j)+px*g*zs/144 j=1:mpd; p2=pd(j)+px*g*zd/144 //The value of Pump head(in feet): j=1:mps; Hp=(p2(j)-p1(j))/(px*g)*144 //Values of Hydraulic Power delivered(in hp): j=1:mps; Wh=Q(j).*(p2(j)-p1(j))/7.48/60*144/550 //Values of motor power output(in hp): j=1:mI; Pin=Effm*sqrt(3)*PF*E*I(j)/746 //Values of Pump Efficiecy: j=1:mI; Effp= Wh(j)./Pin(j)*100 //Plotting pump characteristics: plot(Q,Hp,"-o") plot(Q,Pin,"-+") plot(Q,Effp,"-*") xtitle('Pump Characteristics','Volume flow rate(in gpm)',['Pump Efficincy(%) ',' Pump Head(in feet) ',' Pump Power input(in hp) ']) legend('Hp','Pin','Effp')