//Solution 11-3 WD=get_absolute_file_path('11_03_solution.sce'); datafile=WD+filesep()+'11_03_example.sci'; clc; exec(datafile) Re_L = V * L / nu; //Reynolds number at the end of the plate //determination of average friction coefficient if Re_L < Re_cr then C_f = 1.328 * Re_L**-0.5; //for laminar flow at the end of the plate else C_f = 0.074/ Re_L**0.2 - 1742/ Re_L; //for turbuent flow the end of the plate end F_D = C_f * L * rho * V**2 / 2; //drag force per unit width printf("The drag force acting on the top side of plate per unit width is %1.0f N.", F_D);